All posts by Sajid Ali

WARNING: Your Brain Might Be Lying to You! Learn How to Spot Cognitive Biases and Make Smarter Choices (Fast & Easy!)

Have you ever thought consciously, why you choose the same brand of milk every week of shopping, even though there are less expensive options available? Or why you immediately believed somebody because they went to the same college as you? These are just a few instances of cognitive biases, mental shortcuts that can muster our decisions and influence our rationality.

After completing this blog post, you will equip with the skilled knowledge to identify these biases or partialities and make more informed or insightful choices in all facets of life. Driving better version of yourself, helping you to achieve self-satisfaction.

What are Cognitive Biases?

Precisely, cognitive biases are ingrained skilled structures of thought that can derive to inaccuracies in reasoning and rationality. These biases are frequently unconscious, and they are interlinked with our brain’s desire to conserve mental power and make instant judgmental decisions.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery

Examples of Common Biases:
  • Affirmative Bias: We mostly align with the information that is assertive with our existing concepts or beliefs and avoid evidence that opposes them. All these thoughts function at the back door of our subconscious or unconscious mindset.

    • Example: Only reading news articles that align with your political thoughts.
  • Anchoring Bias: We mostly consider heavily on the initial piece of data that we encounter when making a decision. It is said that never judge a book by its cover. One must try to evaluate the information then consider making some decision.

    • Example: Assumption of an expensive product automatically better quality than a cheaper item.
  • Availability Bias: We conclude the likelihood of events based on how simply we can remember instances of them.

    • Example: Overemphasizing the danger of plane crashes because they are more broadly stated than car accidents.
  • The Sunk Cost Fallacy: We grasp to a decision or course of action because we’ve already funded time, money, or effort, even if the result is no longer commendable.

    • Example: Ongoing a relationship that isn’t functioning because you’ve been at once for a lengthy span.

How to Recognize Biases?

  • Take Break and Reflect: Take a time to evaluate your thought process before forming a decision. Things can be perplexing, give time to yourself before concluding your decision.

  • Think of Alternatives: Don’t always go with the flow by abiding by the first choice that appears to mind. Discover other alternatives. Things can be more perplexing and complex, so avoid being, hasty. Try to think out of box.

  • Seek Out Opposing Viewpoints: Reveal yourself to information that threats your existing beliefs. Before concluding anything, deeply consider thinking about opponent’s point of view. Learn more and expose yourself to more data that can enhance your credibility of ideas.

  • Beware of Emotional Manipulation: Emotional manipulation can hijack our logic and rationality. Think about the facts and figures before reacting recklessly. Opponent would always try to hang up your rationality by throwing emotional intrigues, be vigilant in such cases and scrutinize the situation logically.

Tired of Being a Doormat? Here’s the Guaranteed Way to Finally Get What You Deserve!

Why Recognize Biases?

By understanding cognitive biases, you will be skilled with following credibility:

  • Make More Informed Decisions: Evade letting mental shortcuts trouble your judgment. Your decisions would be more precise and concrete, with less chances of inaccuracies or failure.

  • Enhance Problem-Solving: Reach targets with a more stable perspective. You can approach a balanced judgment in short span of reasoning due to your credibility of problem-solving skills.

  • Become a Savvy Consumer: Recognize marketing intrigues that utilize cognitive biases. Being savvy can save your earnings which often go in waste in buying expensive and low-quality products.

  • Strengthen Relationships: Communicate and consolidate more fair decisions by acknowledging potential biases. It will certainly improve your relationships at large and ability to identify cognitive biases.


Remember, cognitive biases are a spontaneous part of human cognition. But by evaluating these mental shortcuts, we can make insightful alternatives and navigate the world with consolidated clarity. So, participate in this journey of self-enlightenment and empower your brain to cultivate informed that surely consider you well!

Learn How to Spot Logical Fallacies (Fast & Easy!)

       You might have been swayed away by any argument that seemed logically convincing but left you uneasy. This is where you have fallen victim to logical fallacy. These intrigues or deceptive reasoning or logical fallacies patterns are sneaky dragons in the debate or argument kingdom, disguised as truth but, in reality, breathing fire in the pattern of ambiguous claims.

At the end of the blog, you will be able to identify those confusing dragons and become master of identifying logical fallacies during communication.

What are Logical Fallacies?

“Logical fallacies are inaccuracies in the line of thought that incapacitates argument’s justifiability.” They often base upon emotional manipulations or spurious pattern rather than sound logic and evidence to prove the thought. They are widely used to get one’s work done without much effort.

Tired of Being a Doormat? Here’s the Guaranteed Way to Finally Get What You Deserve!

Examples of Common Fallacies:

  • Ad Hominem: Targeting the person building the argument instead of their line of thoughts.

    • “You only want stricter gun control because you’re afraid of guns!” (Focuses on the speaker’s fear, not the merits of gun control.)
  • Appeal to Emotion: Provoking emotions to cloud judgment and receive acceptance.

    • “If you don’t advocate this charity, you don’t care about sick children!” (Plays on sympathy to evade discussing the effectiveness and cruciality of the charity.)
  • Feeble Argument: Misrepresenting an opponent’s argument to make it simple and feasible to wreck it.

    • “You’re calling all technology is harmful for kids! We require technology in education!” (Exaggerates the opponent’s position to make it seem extreme.)
  • Slippery Slope: Suggesting a small step will lead to a disastrous outcome, often with little evidence.

    • “If we decriminalize marijuana, people will begin using extreme drugs!” (Doesn’t consider regulations or evidence from places with legalized marijuana.)

How to Detect Fallacies:

Image: Hubspot Blog

  • Take break and Analyze: Don’t get swept away by emotional tone but remain firm in your argument unless proven wrong evidently. Take time to destabilize the argument to build your pattern of thought.

  • Identify the Underlying Reasoning: Raise question to yourself, “Does the evidence logically support the conclusion?” By this question, your brain will respond impartially. Don’t hurry to make decision, somethings take time to decipher and unlock the concealed thoughts underlined within them mysteriously.

  • Look for Emotional Manipulation: Be vigilant of language that hits fear, pity, or aggression to distract from the logic. Understanding the core of thought and the tone of the speaker, you can decipher their manipulation at the very early level of conversation.

Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

  • Always Check Facts: Don’t depend entirely on the information displayed in the argument. Verify facts with reliable sources of information. Consolidate your ideas and don’t allow your confidence to shatter, results can be terrifying if you lost the morale and falling drastically into the opponent’s trap.

Why Should You Detect Fallacies?

By deciphering reasoning fallacies, you will be able to gain several qualities in your personality:

  • Become a More Critically Educated Citizen: Evaluate thoughts deeply and reach their core concept before building your narrative. This will help you evaluate multifarious things running in your society at another level. You can identify fallacies in the system branched into different facets.

  • Make Sound Decisions: Be confident and vigilant to avoid being misled by emotions or manipulations but faulty reasoning. People tend to gain profits or emotional support at the cost someone’s loss.

  • Muscle Your Own Line of Thoughts: Learn to build vivid and logically sound arguments. Read more books on personality development and critically thinking and scrutinize your knowledge practically in your environment to receive perplexing results.


Deciphering logical fallacies empowers and encourages you to plan the world of arguments with brutal confidence. By killing these deceptive bees, you can ensure that your critical reasoning, and the evaluation of others, is established on a foundation of rationality and verification. So, develop your critical thinking abilities, and participate in the race for transparent and fact-based conversation!

Tired of Being a Doormat? Here’s the Guaranteed Way to Finally Get What You Deserve!

       How to develop assertiveness? You might have observed being unnoticed, unseen or unheard, given no attention that you required! Why does this happen? Perhaps, you work hard to express yourself but end up being neglected or might have faced difficulties in setting boundaries.

In this blog, you will explore the best ways of developing assertiveness in your vicinity. And you will finally end up asking regular question of how to be more assertive? This piece of writing will discover the significance of assertiveness in one’s life and how it behaves effectively in dealing daily chores of life. Because you are not alone who suffers through this trauma. Let’s begin with the timeless wisdom of philosophical ideas and practical tips.

Why Be Assertive?

A most radiant and precise definition of assertiveness is, It is ability to communicate your needs, wants, and feelings clearly, directly and confidently- all while respecting the rights of others.” Assertiveness is not aggression in any case, but it is way of expressing what you feel with self-respect and complete consideration. Here’s why it is mandatory to be assertive:

How to forgive yourself and others?

  • Better Relationships: Unhindered and clear communications remove misunderstandings. It fosters healthy relationships and make protracted-long lasting. Moreover, things easily get resolved, if any problems raise.
  • Improved Confidence: Assertiveness encourages you standup for your self-esteem. It develops unmitigated confidence that allows you to more successful amongst your competitors. You would be less target to bully as well.
  • No more stress in life: Clear boundaries and ability to say “no” lead to less stress and happy life. No worries and no tension at all.

Gaining Assertiveness Through Wisdom

  • Confucius (Chinese Philosopher): “If you are not assertive, no one else will be for you.”  This statement highlights the significance of assertive, that will help to achieve what you want. Being silent and sometimes coward on your needs will let you remain empty handed.
  • Maya Angelou (American Poet): “My voice is my greatest asset. I will use it to break silence. I will use it to speak truth and I will use it even when my voice trembles.” The above-mentioned power lines emphasize on the strength of words. words can be used to work for yourself and also can transform someone else’s life. Use your power of words for requirement and need.
  • Nelson Mandela (South African Revolutionary): “If you talk to a man in a language, he understands that’s to his head. If you talk to him in his language that’s to his heart.” Undoubtedly, communication is great art and use of particular language for a particular region is crucial part of communication skills. Therefore, the question, how to be more assertive, involves vivid communication and respectful tone that resonates the listener.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery

Ways to Develop Your Assertiveness

  • Know Your Worth: Recognize your value and worth where you live. You must know where you stand in the eyes of others and must behave with regard to it. Believe in your self-worth and it will translate your communication in better form.
  • Practice “I” Statements: Sometimes, trying to be selfish results fruitful. Focus on your feelings and thoughts rather trying to impress others every time. This will degrade your status in the eyes of others. Started putting yourself first on some occasions.
  • Maintain Eye Contact and Positive Body Language: Confident body language is the first impression. It leaves the lasting impression on listener. Balance firm eye-contact and stand firm once you talk to anyone. This will resolve your query of how to be more assertive!
  • Learn to say No: Instead of saying “maybe”, learn to say no also. Being available al time for someone never signify your worth. Be busy like bee and say no, once you don’t like anything.


Always understand that being assertive doesn’t mean to be aggressive or holding anger on your face every time. It’s about displaying your thoughts with much clarity, confidence and in respectful manner. By understanding heartly and practicing the aforementioned wisdom and ideas, you can become assertive form of yourself. Find your voice, learn to communicate in better form, you will find improvement in short time.

Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery

         Difficult and intriguing emotions are inevitable part of life. They bring sorrows, worries and sadness to anger. All these emotions are very overwhelming. But at the end of the blog, you will learn most healthy ways to deal with difficult emotional situations. You might gain mastery if you regularly practice and imbibe them in your personality. 

In this blog, you will learn through the limitless wisdom of Hazrat Moula Ali and through the insights of modern psychology. This will certainly transform your worries into opportunities to tackle difficulties professionally.

Significance of Healthy Coping

Moula Ali, a revered and a prominent figure in Islam, has deeply emphasized over the significance of managing emotions effectively. A beautiful quote attributed to him bears testimony to this fact which says, “A man’s true strength is not in the muscles of his body, but in the control of his emotions.”

How to forgive yourself and others?

This quote highlights importance of strength to deal emotions. An individual should be powerful enough to control his mind from distractions. One who fails to conquer himself will never be able to conquer the world. An emotionally weak man is burden on society, probably, a profound danger.

 Psychology of Healthy Coping

The modern scientific psychology has also offered various mechanisms and methods to deal emotions effectively:

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: One should practice meditation, deep breathing, and yoga would be best in this regard. Regular exercise would also help in relaxation and achieving peace in mind. Such effective exercises would help in emotional control of body against negative traumas.
  • Journaling: You can also write down your thoughts. Never allow yourself to make your mind a dustbin. Release your thoughts and don’t allow them to junk at single place causing you mental disturbance. Writing is best form to achieve self-progress and self-relaxation.
  • Social Connection: Connection with friends, family members and therapist or counsellors has vital outcomes. Hangout with your loved ones and don’t stay at home all the time. This will allow you to express emotions and achieve emotional support.

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Moula Ali’s Words in Action

Now let’s explore Moula Ali’s wisdom in achieving emotional stability in life.

  • “Patience is a pillar of faith.” Patience is the best friend, if you unable to find the solution. Being patient will help you to think more on your issues and finding a suitable panacea. Before reacting quickly, try to give yourself sometime.
  • “Knowledge is the beginning of action.” Knowledge is the absolute form of therapy existing. Educate yourself about healthy practices that can decorate your personality and raise your morale. Read books and align company with books if you find no friends to hangout.
  • “The best speech is silence when it is not time to speak.” Once again be patient. If the contemporary situation doesn’t speak in your favor, then, you should wait for your turn. Hurry and abruption would cause damage to you, therefore stay calm and be ready to answer once times takes your side.


It is never easy to deal emotions, but things have to be made easy otherwise life will never stop kicking you drastically. The core is patience. As Moula Ali stated, “Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet.” Try to figure out and if can’t then, patience is the best remedy. Although, recognize the situation, professionally try to direct your life in it. Seek advice of experienced elders in many areas of your life.

Modern psychology has too profound ideas and concepts to rectify the emotional instability. By adopting healthy coping mechanisms in your life, you can navigate terrible emotions with great resilience. Be brave and never lose hope, things never remain same. Embrace aforementioned strategies to achieve self-compassion and art to control emotions.

How to Forgive Yourself and Others?

      The word forgiveness is so simple in reading but is more complex as human itself. We grasp to hurts, big or small, permitting resentment to bring us down. But what if I told you that forgiveness isn’t only about condoning action of others, but it is about releasing yourself from the burden of negativity?

In this blog, we are going to discover the power of forgiveness, drawing wisdom from the saints, philosophers and practical psychology.

The weight of resentment

  • Saint Augustine (Christian Theologian):

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Undoubtedly, resentment and anger both are poison to drink where we expect another person to die. In reality, things are paradoxical, therefore, forgiving the wrong doer is the best remedy to heal faster allowing us to move forward in life.

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  • Buddha (Founder of Buddhism):

“Holding on to anger is like holding a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha’s vision vividly demonstrates the significance of forgiveness. The quote beautifully illustrates the self-destructive nature of holding grudges and prejudices, rather forgiving and moving on. 

Letting Go and Moving On

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Philosopher):

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” A man is prisoner of his own negative ideas. Through the act of forgiveness, he actually liberates himself from the shackles of trauma. The act also creates a positive space to grow quickly and prosper without barriers.

  • The Dalai Lama (Tibetan Spiritual Leader):

“If you want to be happy, practice compassion. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.” Forgiveness fosters compassion and strengthens relationships. True love lies in the happiness of others which comes with care and compassion. Complete love is only possible with forgiveness. Avoid troubles. Learn to move on.

Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

Steps on the Path to Forgiveness

  • Accept the pain!

It’s okay if you were betrayed, broken or accused of something you never did in your life. You can also feel hurt and angry. You cannot expect everyone to remain loyal to you. Therefore, first and foremost, validate your emotions and move on and don’t complex the situation.

  • Understand, not approve!

Also try to look after the situation from the perspective of another person. Sometimes, misunderstandings also ruin the well going relationships. This doesn’t excuse their actions, but it can foster empathy.

  • Practice Self-Compassion:

Always remember that anger will hurt more to you than others. So, be kind to yourself. Practice gratitude and don’t allow other peoples’ words to shape your actions. You are master of your destiny!

  • Communicate (if possible):

Try to sort out the issue, if possible. Sometimes, misunderstandings also ruin beautiful relationships. Never hurry in judging anyone and give space and time to people. If you find some positivity, they forward your hand, if not then world is not limit to you.


You can never assess the true power and significance of forgiveness in your life. Forgiving yourself and others have sufficient potential to heal your inner peace. You deserve to love and to be loved. Sticking yourself with past experiences will only ruin present pleasure. Learn to forgive by practicing aforementioned ideas. Learn more and always practice gratitude. Serve needy people, these acts will be efficacious in building your personality.

Remember: Forgiveness is an unending journey; it has no destination. There will surely be bumps on the road but with each step, once you will release negative energy, it will create more space, peace and prosperity in your life. Be patient, universe has also something special for you.


Procrastination Killing Your Dreams? Here’s the 10 Guaranteed Way to Finally Get Things Done!

        Achieving self-discipline is a hard journey that accomplishes through untiring hard work and consistently. And it is the foundation of achieving targets and spending fulfilling life. It empowers one to stay focused and persistent in their perseverance. What deters an individual to achieve self-discipline is the procrastination.

In this blog, we will explore 10 practical tips by great historical figures to overcome trauma of procrastination and achieving self-discipline in life. By drawing inspiration from the wisdom of philosophers and religious figures, path to pursuit self-discipline would become much feasible.


Define your purpose!

  • Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor & Stoic Philosopher):

   “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” Be ready to identify your core values and ignite your inner fire to find what is your purpose of existence. Your fuel of motivation and purpose in life will definitely drive you towards success by overlapping barriers of procrastination.

Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

  • The Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism):

“Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.” To remain relevant to the cause of existence, the Bhagavad Gita has taught some lessons. One of them is continuous discipline. Set specific, measurable, achievable, and SMART goals to breakdown your aspirations into manageable steps against procrastination.

  • Confucius (Chinese Philosopher):

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Never stop progressing, no matter how slow your speed is. Consistency matters everywhere. Persistent efforts with no break definitely lead to destination of self-disciplinary life. Best way to kill procrastination is to evade distractions and practice continuous hard work.

  • Gautama Buddha (Founder of Buddhism):

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha’s ideas are so relevant in this cause. Our mind process everything, what we think, we become our ideas. Our ideas shape our realities; therefore, a positive mindset is crucial to avoid going astray from our dedicated direction. The one who controlled his mind, he controlled the world.

  • Jalal ad-Din Rumi (Persian Poet):

 “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”  Know that self-compassion is not indulgence but rather it is self-acceptance. Stop regretting over your past mistakes and actions, now work hard to evade more flaws in your work. Regretting on wasted time is wasting more time.

Unlock Your Inner Superhero: The Simple Habit That Makes Challenges Your Plaything!

  • Proverbs 27:17 (Bible):

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Be in the company of positive and self-disciplined people. Because company always matters and plays very crucial role in development of your personality. Be friend with self-disciplined and dedicated people, their company will surely boost up your morale and would prove efficacious as well.

  • Napoleon Hill (American Author):

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Visualization firms your strength. What can be visualized in your mind, you surely can achieve it. Always think of success and positive ideas to avoid bacteria of procrastination in your limited life. Be positive, think positive and do positive.

  • Epictetus (Stoic Philosopher):

“It’s not that some things are hard, and we lose courage; we lose courage because things are hard.” You should know clearly that self-discipline is a marathon, not a sprint. Savor the success of growth and be ready to feel pain to achieve self-disciplinary life by coping procrastination.

  • Dopamine (Brain Chemical):

Do reward yourself once you achieve some milestone. Because brain functions some chemicals that relatively increase or decrease our body performance. Achieving small targets and rewarding oneself will boost body’s moral to withstand journey of self-discipline against procrastination.


Killing the procrastination and building the self-discipline is ongoing process. By incorporating yourself with above ideas filled with the wisdom, you will absolutely find stopgap to transform your life. Always remember, self-discipline is a muscle that strengthens by continuous practice. So, begin today and embrace the journey of becoming your most disciplined self!


Unlock Your Inner Superhero: The Simple Habit That Makes Challenges Your Plaything!

     It is undoubtable truth that life is journey of storms filled with sudden happiness and downpours. But developing resilience, the attribute and a unique personality trait, to bounce back from the challenges is certainly crucial to cope with these storms.

In this blog, we will discover how to cultivate resilience drawing inspirations from the words of great religious scholars of different faiths and as well insights from the modern scientific psychology.

Find your strength in your Faith!

Every religion on the Earth guides us about love, peace and harmony. Amongst most common teachings, they also offer guidance on facing the adversity. Here are some quotes of renowned religious figures whose words resonate the concept of resilience.

  • The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (Islam): “The strong believer is better and dearer to God than the weak believer, although there is good in both”. This line urges upon understanding the worth of inner strength and a powerful soul can transform challenges into opportunities through his/her rigid faith in the Almighty while doing incessant hard work.
  • The Buddha (Buddhism): Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall”. These words remind us that set backs are inevitable but the ability to rise again after fall make us high value man. The sole solution to cope with adversity and consistent downfall is to rise again and face them unless they are defeated.
  • The Bible (Christianity): “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurances”. (James 1:2-3). These words are similar to the quote of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) of Islam which teaches the significance of faith in coping against the adversity. Faith can light way that can refine our life and build resilience.

Psychology of Resilience

There is a famous Chinese proverb that says, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trails”. Modern scientific psychology offers practical exercises to heal mental trauma through rigid resilience against adversity.

  • Develop a positive mindset: Don’t allow distractions to insert difficulties in your life but focus on what you have and how you can further prosper it. A positive mindset is really essential to face criticisms, failures and abrupt downfalls. Therefore, practice gratitude at large for good things in your life.


  • Build a strong support system/environment: Surround yourself or get surrounded by the people who advocate you and appreciate your decisions. Stay away from negative energy that ruins your focus and confidence drastically.
  • Practice Self-care: Engage in physical exercises, social work to enhance your experience and learn to serve needy humans and animals. Prioritize your physical and mental well being and always relax even in tense situations.
  • Learn from your past mistakes: Hard times always come but they are not forever to stay. Hard times come to teach lessons and aware us of our weakness. Those who learn from their past mistakes and never permit them to ensue again are the strongest people of the time.


Building resilience is ongoing process with a lot of challenges, transformations and pain. But makes it easier to get is the teachings of great scholarly people. The words of wisdom by the religious figures and by practicing modern psychological practices, one can achieve the highest level of resilience very fast and in very minute pain.

As Martin Luther king Jr once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” At the end things always resolve but how an individual efforts to tackle them defines their ability to cope with upcoming and inevitable adversities.

Be brave and remain stagnant against failures and criticisms. You will achieve what you are doing work for but stay strong and believe in your faith, things will get sort out soon.


Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

          Developing a positive self-image in one’s surrounding is very crucial to earn respect from people. To achieve the goal of being a high value man or woman, there are number of qualities and attributes taught by wise men, that can literally transform anyone’s life and develop it into an exemplary for others.

In this blog, we will explore the ways to cultivate a positive self-image and a high value life full of respect and gratitude from the wisdom of Moula Ali (Peace be upon him) and some insights from the modern psychology.

Moula Ali on self-worth

Moula Ali, a prominent figure in the history and most revered figure in the Islam, has provided timeless wisdom on the quality of earning self-worth and a positive self-image. Here are a few quotes attributed to him that can guide us in the journey of achieving the core fundamental of positive self-image.

  • “A man’s true wealth is his self-respect”. One should never compromise at any cost, if finger raises against his/her self-respect. Knowing the personal worth is the greatest consciousness ever revealed. You may have seen many individuals that are old enough to be revered but do not possess a single attribute to be respected, their actions repel people away from them. In contrast, some at the very young age learn to carry proper conduct that not only bring positivity in their personality but, too, develop their self-respect among their family, friends and relatives.
  • “A wise man thinks first and then speaks, and a fool speaks first and then thinks”. The quote is too simple to be understood. One should never hurry or blurt something that he/she doesn’t know about its consequences. A fool always does hurry to do things and end up disastrous results. However, a wise man never hurries but carefully watches his/her steps, especially during talk and saves both dignity and respect.
  • “Be not proud of much wealth but be proud of your good character”. A man with self-image in the society has high character always. People always tend to revere those who are humble not arrogant in the actions. Having much wealth can never signify anyone’s character rather those are whose acts decorate their whole of personality.

Psychology of positive self-image

Modern psychology and scientific research also align with above ideas. Here some feasible and practical steps to develop self-image.

  • “Practice gratitude”. Gratitude is something that would never let you fall into the trap of despair. Whenever, you feel down, always look down on those who are under your thumb. by this you would get to know significance of your life and your creator. And keep hardworking and wait for your turn.
  • “Focus on progress, not perfection”. Keep doing what makes you feel better. Don’t look for instant success or being most perfect in your work before specified time. Rather focus on what you are doing, no matter how slow it is but never stop doing work. One day you will also achieve perfection in your work.
  • “Embrace your uniqueness”. Everyone is born with different personality and uniqueness. There might be a few tasks where you fail all the time and are not made for you. But somewhere there will be something fit for your uniqueness. Wait and till then, work on yourself.

  • “Surround yourself with supportive people”. This is most important line ever. Run away from negative people, they are parasites in your life. They would never appreciate your efforts and will chide you on minor falls. Imbibe with saints and those people who know your worth and value and those who always encourage you. This will bring significant transformation in your positive self-image and overall personality growth.


Constructing a positive self-image is a journey not a destination. By imbibing the wisdom of Moula Ali and practically observing aforementioned tips, you can cultivate, a more positive view of your life. Always remember, self-compassionate is key. Celebrate your victories, be patient with yourself, avoid hurrying and never stop learning from others’ mistakes but also your own mistakes. You are worthy of love and respect, starting from within.