Is Your Partner Driving You Crazy? (Here are 04 How to Deal)

conflict in relationship

Conflict in relationship. It’s as an unavoidable as the sunrise, and just as necessary for growth. Disagreements can ignite innovation, challenge assumptions, and build up stronger bonds. Yet, when roughly managed, fight can erupt into a perishing storm. So, how do we go through these disagreements like a seasoned tailor, riding through the waves rather … Read more

Want a Healthy Relationship? 5 Secret Ingredients to Reignite the Passion in Your Relationship

healthy relationship

Relationships are the foundation of our well-being. They bring us joy, advocate us through difficulties, and help us rise as individuals. But like any menu or method, a healthy relationship needs some specific ingredients or elements and a dash of hardwork to formulate something truly fulfilling. In this blogpost, you will get to know about … Read more

Here’s How to Catch Your Sneaky Elder Sibling Borrowing Your Clothes (Without Starting a War)

elder sibling

Ah, siblings. The people who know you well better than anyone (sometimes a little too well!), the origin of endless (and sometimes rushing) love, and sometimes, the target of our untalked frustrations. When it comes to exploring unexpected expectations with an elder sibling, things can get intriguing. But worry not, fellow sibling warriors! At the … Read more

Sibling Smackdown? Stop the Squabbles with Saintly Secrets and Psych Hacks!

sibling rivalry

Siblings: fitted in as best friends, absolute irritations, and keepers of our deepest veiled secrets. But let’s be truely honest, sometimes that “built-in best friend” feels more like a permanent critic. Sibling rivalry and disagreements happen and are completely natural, and with siblings, they can feel specifically loaded. So, how do we link the gap … Read more

In-Law Wars? Here’s the SECRET WEAPON Psychologists Use to Make Your Spouse’s Family Dynamics LOVE You (It’s Not What You Think!)

Family Dynamics

Every couple comes from a different family landscape. Some families are close-knit and boisterous, others reserved and silent. These differences can cause friction, especially during holidays and family gatherings. But fear not, lovebirds! By applying knowledge from modern psychology, scientific methods, and even a sprinkle of wisdom from great thinkers or philosophers, you can navigate … Read more

Is your relationship on the rocks? Wondering how to break the news without starting a war? You’re not alone!


Breakups. Ugh. They’re messy, terrible, emotionally descontructive, and often leave us feeling lost drastically. But what if we could find some ways in which things can fosters healing and respect for both separaters? Enter into the idea or concept of the conscious breakup conversation. In this blog, you will discover how modern psychology and science … Read more

05 Major Signs That a Relationship Might be Headed for a Breakup

In fact, breakups are never easy. Person suffers pain, dishearten and tries to remain alone all time, although, they can be a natural fragment of life. But how do you recognize if your happily ever after love life is about to become happily never after, soon to be ruined? Here are some psychological signs of breakup.

Love is always magnificent but it also starts to fade after some period of time. In fact, breakups are never easy. Here are some psychological signs of breakup. Person suffers pain, dishearten and tries to remain alone all time, although, they can be a natural fragment of life. But how do you recognize if your … Read more

Is Your Love Lost in Translation? Discover Your Spouse’s Secret Love Language and Reignite the Spark!**

"Love Languages."

Ever feel like you’re raining your partner with affection and love, but they just don’t seem to catch it? Or maybe you unearth compliments but seldom hear them? The secret could lie in receiving your and your partner’s “Love Languages.” Love is a all-embracing international language that rises above cultural boundaries and is mandatory for … Read more

Feeling unheard in your relationship?

effective communication in relationships,effective communication in relationships,

The Power of Effective Communication in Relationships Relationships are adorable tapestries decorated with threads of love, respect, and – you guessed it – communication. But gaining clear and loving communication skills can feel like wrangling a flock of pigeons. Worry not, dear lovebirds! At the end of this blog you will be able to explore … Read more

Feeling unheard in your relationship? Here’s how to ensure your partner truly listens Science-backed Techniques for Better Communication:

conflicts in relationships

Handling conflicts in relationships is very risky. Conflict, unsusceptibly, is an inevitable part of any relationship but also annoying and pesky. But tension not, dear lovebirds! Modern scientifically proven methods in psychology offers an equipment of techniques to modify your debates from battlegrounds to bonding opportunities. This way you can handle conficts in relationships, that … Read more