Category Archives: Personality Development

Unlock Your Inner Superhero: The Simple Habit That Makes Challenges Your Plaything!

     It is undoubtable truth that life is journey of storms filled with sudden happiness and downpours. But developing resilience, the attribute and a unique personality trait, to bounce back from the challenges is certainly crucial to cope with these storms.

In this blog, we will discover how to cultivate resilience drawing inspirations from the words of great religious scholars of different faiths and as well insights from the modern scientific psychology.

Find your strength in your Faith!

Every religion on the Earth guides us about love, peace and harmony. Amongst most common teachings, they also offer guidance on facing the adversity. Here are some quotes of renowned religious figures whose words resonate the concept of resilience.

  • The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (Islam): “The strong believer is better and dearer to God than the weak believer, although there is good in both”. This line urges upon understanding the worth of inner strength and a powerful soul can transform challenges into opportunities through his/her rigid faith in the Almighty while doing incessant hard work.
  • The Buddha (Buddhism): Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall”. These words remind us that set backs are inevitable but the ability to rise again after fall make us high value man. The sole solution to cope with adversity and consistent downfall is to rise again and face them unless they are defeated.
  • The Bible (Christianity): “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurances”. (James 1:2-3). These words are similar to the quote of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) of Islam which teaches the significance of faith in coping against the adversity. Faith can light way that can refine our life and build resilience.

Psychology of Resilience

There is a famous Chinese proverb that says, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trails”. Modern scientific psychology offers practical exercises to heal mental trauma through rigid resilience against adversity.

  • Develop a positive mindset: Don’t allow distractions to insert difficulties in your life but focus on what you have and how you can further prosper it. A positive mindset is really essential to face criticisms, failures and abrupt downfalls. Therefore, practice gratitude at large for good things in your life.


  • Build a strong support system/environment: Surround yourself or get surrounded by the people who advocate you and appreciate your decisions. Stay away from negative energy that ruins your focus and confidence drastically.
  • Practice Self-care: Engage in physical exercises, social work to enhance your experience and learn to serve needy humans and animals. Prioritize your physical and mental well being and always relax even in tense situations.
  • Learn from your past mistakes: Hard times always come but they are not forever to stay. Hard times come to teach lessons and aware us of our weakness. Those who learn from their past mistakes and never permit them to ensue again are the strongest people of the time.


Building resilience is ongoing process with a lot of challenges, transformations and pain. But makes it easier to get is the teachings of great scholarly people. The words of wisdom by the religious figures and by practicing modern psychological practices, one can achieve the highest level of resilience very fast and in very minute pain.

As Martin Luther king Jr once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” At the end things always resolve but how an individual efforts to tackle them defines their ability to cope with upcoming and inevitable adversities.

Be brave and remain stagnant against failures and criticisms. You will achieve what you are doing work for but stay strong and believe in your faith, things will get sort out soon.


Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

          Developing a positive self-image in one’s surrounding is very crucial to earn respect from people. To achieve the goal of being a high value man or woman, there are number of qualities and attributes taught by wise men, that can literally transform anyone’s life and develop it into an exemplary for others.

In this blog, we will explore the ways to cultivate a positive self-image and a high value life full of respect and gratitude from the wisdom of Moula Ali (Peace be upon him) and some insights from the modern psychology.

Moula Ali on self-worth

Moula Ali, a prominent figure in the history and most revered figure in the Islam, has provided timeless wisdom on the quality of earning self-worth and a positive self-image. Here are a few quotes attributed to him that can guide us in the journey of achieving the core fundamental of positive self-image.

  • “A man’s true wealth is his self-respect”. One should never compromise at any cost, if finger raises against his/her self-respect. Knowing the personal worth is the greatest consciousness ever revealed. You may have seen many individuals that are old enough to be revered but do not possess a single attribute to be respected, their actions repel people away from them. In contrast, some at the very young age learn to carry proper conduct that not only bring positivity in their personality but, too, develop their self-respect among their family, friends and relatives.
  • “A wise man thinks first and then speaks, and a fool speaks first and then thinks”. The quote is too simple to be understood. One should never hurry or blurt something that he/she doesn’t know about its consequences. A fool always does hurry to do things and end up disastrous results. However, a wise man never hurries but carefully watches his/her steps, especially during talk and saves both dignity and respect.
  • “Be not proud of much wealth but be proud of your good character”. A man with self-image in the society has high character always. People always tend to revere those who are humble not arrogant in the actions. Having much wealth can never signify anyone’s character rather those are whose acts decorate their whole of personality.

Psychology of positive self-image

Modern psychology and scientific research also align with above ideas. Here some feasible and practical steps to develop self-image.

  • “Practice gratitude”. Gratitude is something that would never let you fall into the trap of despair. Whenever, you feel down, always look down on those who are under your thumb. by this you would get to know significance of your life and your creator. And keep hardworking and wait for your turn.
  • “Focus on progress, not perfection”. Keep doing what makes you feel better. Don’t look for instant success or being most perfect in your work before specified time. Rather focus on what you are doing, no matter how slow it is but never stop doing work. One day you will also achieve perfection in your work.
  • “Embrace your uniqueness”. Everyone is born with different personality and uniqueness. There might be a few tasks where you fail all the time and are not made for you. But somewhere there will be something fit for your uniqueness. Wait and till then, work on yourself.

  • “Surround yourself with supportive people”. This is most important line ever. Run away from negative people, they are parasites in your life. They would never appreciate your efforts and will chide you on minor falls. Imbibe with saints and those people who know your worth and value and those who always encourage you. This will bring significant transformation in your positive self-image and overall personality growth.


Constructing a positive self-image is a journey not a destination. By imbibing the wisdom of Moula Ali and practically observing aforementioned tips, you can cultivate, a more positive view of your life. Always remember, self-compassionate is key. Celebrate your victories, be patient with yourself, avoid hurrying and never stop learning from others’ mistakes but also your own mistakes. You are worthy of love and respect, starting from within.