Finally, Silence the Voice of Doubt! 3 Ancient Hacks from Imam Ali (and Modern Psychology)


The complex journey for achieving our goals is seldom paved with unwavering confidence and dedication. Self-doubt, that an unabated voice whispering limitations, can be a formidable obstacle interrupting in pursuing. Imam Ali, a revered figure in Islam, has signified the importance of vanquishing this inner critic. But his wisdom and magical knowledge transcends religious boundaries … Read more

Shocking Doctrine on Acquiring Knowledge! Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) & Imam Ali’s HIDDEN Advice on Success 04 Ways

socratic method

Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is one the prominent figures for his wisdom, courage, and piety. His doctrines emphasize the unwavering power of acquiring knowledge in shaping a positive personality. Let’s explore into how acquiring knowledge cultivates a virtuous and a confident character, from the insights and … Read more

Ex Still Haunting You Online? Brutal Truths About Social Media Stalking During a Breakup (and How to Stop!)

dealing with breakup

Dealing with Breakups is lethal. They can leave us blindsided, perplexed, and drowning in a sea of emotions. But fear not, my dear friend! Though it feels invulnerable now, healing is completely within your reach. Here’s a complete information, informed by modern psychology, to help you lead complex issues of the heartbreak and raise stronger … Read more

What is the SMART goal framework?


Ever feel astray in the daily grind, unknowing where you’re moving? Don’t worry, it occurs with the best of us! That’s where establishing goals comes in. Goals provide vivid direction, ignite or boost motivation, and give you a sense of acknowledgment. But how do you set effective goals –– ones that are both feasible and … Read more

How can psychology help us discover our core values?

core values

Moula Ali and Modern Psychology As a human being, have you ever thought what is the purpose of your existence and what arre some core values that in detail enumerate your purpose? we are continuously seeking lesson and purpose in our lives. We strive to evaluate what truly value to us and what our core … Read more

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Effective Leadership

importance of self-awareness

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Effective Leadership In the realm of leadership, self-awareness is a cornerstone of effective leadership that holds immeasurable value. It is the quality to recognize and evaluate one’s own emotions, powers, weaknesses, and motivations. Leaders with self-awareness are able to navigate complex landscapes in their more favorably. It allows leaders to … Read more

Tired of Being a Doormat? Here’s the Guaranteed Way to Finally Get What You Deserve!


       How to develop assertiveness? You might have observed being unnoticed, unseen or unheard, given no attention that you required! Why does this happen? Perhaps, you work hard to express yourself but end up being neglected or might have faced difficulties in setting boundaries. In this blog, you will explore the best ways … Read more

Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery


         Difficult and intriguing emotions are inevitable part of life. They bring sorrows, worries and sadness to anger. All these emotions are very overwhelming. But at the end of the blog, you will learn most healthy ways to deal with difficult emotional situations. You might gain mastery if you regularly practice and … Read more

Procrastination Killing Your Dreams? Here’s the 10 Guaranteed Way to Finally Get Things Done!


        Achieving self-discipline is a hard journey that accomplishes through untiring hard work and consistently. And it is the foundation of achieving targets and spending fulfilling life. It empowers one to stay focused and persistent in their perseverance. What deters an individual to achieve self-discipline is the procrastination. In this blog, we … Read more