How Plato’s Sharp Ideas Still Shapes Our Ideas on Just Governance in His Broad Frame of Thoughts in -The Republic- Superseding most of Philosophers Drastically


Plato, the influential Athenian philosopher, left an indelible mark on Western thought. His ideas on justice and the ideal society continue to inform and challenge the development of ethical frameworks for governance even today. Let’s delve into Plato’s concepts, line of thoughts, and explore how they’ve influenced our understanding of just leadership, helping in craving … Read more

06 Dark Leadership Qualities of Adolf Hitler – Traumatized the Whole of Europe for WW2

leadership qualities of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler’s unprecendent growth to power and subsequent destruction remain etched in the annals of history. Although, it depicts his some unique leadership qualities of Adolf Hitler, while his actions were unsusceptibly dreadful, evaluating his leadership qualities can be a chilling yet worthy exercise to reap some fruits of leadership skills. This blog post plunges … Read more

05 Great Leadership Qualities of Nelson Mandela – A Visionary Leader Who Spent 27 Years in Jail

leadership qualities of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president and a global figure of peace and reconciliation, wasn’t just mere a political leader; he was himself a mentor and impactful personality in leadership. The leadership qualities of Nelson Mandela earned from his 27 years in prison for fighting discrimination against blacks could have broken a lesser man, … Read more

Hold these 04 Secrets of Ethical Leadership! Defined by Imam Ali’s Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times

ethical leadership

Leadership is a cumbersome responsibility. Imam Ali, a prominent figure in Islam, renders a timeless pattern framework for ethical leadership, signifying justice, integrity, and well-spring treatment to the people. His wisdom, accumulated in the collection of his letters and sermons known as Nahj al-Balagha, provides precious treasure of troves of hisinsights for leaders of all … Read more

Want to Develop Courage and Confidence? Here are The 05 Shocking Truth About Confidence in the Doctrines of Imam Ali

develop courage and confidence

In the tapstery of frustrations, issues and complexities in life, it is severe to maintain a happy and courageous personality. And one requires alot of attention, care and an experienced mentor to develop courage and confidence in life. Imam Ali, cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is an admired figure for his unwavering courage, … Read more

Social Media TOXIC? Imam Ali’s Guide in 04 Ways to Using it for GOOD

social media

In our super-linked world, where the data moves at the mindboggling speed of light and social media applications hold abundance of power, the question of how to best treat our communities becomes predominant. Imam Ali, an admired figure in Islam, renders timeless teachings that transcends generations. His lessons on knowledge, justice and truth grants a … Read more

The 10 Great Qualities of a Good Leader! Learn from a 7th Century Imam Ali

qualities of a good leader

Leadership is an ever-green desired skill, but found not in every one, just a few nurture themselves at the peak of leadership qualities and become great leaders in history. Imam Ali, cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), has unearthed 10 great qualities of a good leader, through his timeless wisdom. His doctrine and guidance … Read more

5 Secrets Qualities of a Good Friend by Imam Ali! Revealed to Grow UNBREAKABLE Friendships (They Actually Work!)

qualities of a good friend

Friendship is a foundation of a fulfilling and a pleasing life. And What if you knew the exact qualities of a good friend? Imam Ali, a great figure in Islam, offers timeless doctrine on nurturing strong and meaningful relationships and connections. By drawing on his narrations, stories associated with him, and pertinent Quranic verses, we … Read more

The Quranic KEY in 04 Ways to Know the Importance of Forgiveness and and Unlock Inner Peace (It’s Easier Than You Think!)

importance of forgiveness

In the perplexing doldrums of human relationships, conflict, tussles, and misunderstanding are inevitable. Yet, Islam provides a beautiful and decorated path towards healing and connection by emphasizing on the importance of forgiveness. Imam Ali, an admired personality in Islam, renders profound wisdom on nurturing forgiveness and understanding, echoing the doctrines of the Quran. Let’s unearth … Read more

Enemies Turned Friends?! These Powerful 04 Tactics of Empathy and Kindness Will Leave Your Opponents Speechless (Imam Ali’s Secret Weapon!)

empathy and kindness

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, an admired figure by Muslims as an exemplary of justice, courage, and wisdom, also upholded the virtues of empathy and kindness in social interactions and relations. His teachings and doctrines, often display through powerful quotes and illustrative stories, render timeless guidance for nurturing harmony and understanding in our relationships. In … Read more