WARNING: Your Brain Might Be Lying to You! Learn How to Spot Cognitive Biases and Make Smarter Choices (Fast & Easy!)

cognitive biases

Have you ever thought consciously, why you choose the same brand of milk every week of shopping, even though there are less expensive options available? Or why you immediately believed somebody because they went to the same college as you? These are just a few instances of cognitive biases, mental shortcuts that can muster our … Read more

Learn How to Spot Logical Fallacies (Fast & Easy!)

logical Fallacies

       You might have been swayed away by any argument that seemed logically convincing but left you uneasy. This is where you have fallen victim to logical fallacy. These intrigues or deceptive reasoning or logical fallacies patterns are sneaky dragons in the debate or argument kingdom, disguised as truth but, in reality, breathing … Read more

Tired of Being a Doormat? Here’s the Guaranteed Way to Finally Get What You Deserve!


       How to develop assertiveness? You might have observed being unnoticed, unseen or unheard, given no attention that you required! Why does this happen? Perhaps, you work hard to express yourself but end up being neglected or might have faced difficulties in setting boundaries. In this blog, you will explore the best ways … Read more

Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery


         Difficult and intriguing emotions are inevitable part of life. They bring sorrows, worries and sadness to anger. All these emotions are very overwhelming. But at the end of the blog, you will learn most healthy ways to deal with difficult emotional situations. You might gain mastery if you regularly practice and … Read more

Procrastination Killing Your Dreams? Here’s the 10 Guaranteed Way to Finally Get Things Done!


        Achieving self-discipline is a hard journey that accomplishes through untiring hard work and consistently. And it is the foundation of achieving targets and spending fulfilling life. It empowers one to stay focused and persistent in their perseverance. What deters an individual to achieve self-discipline is the procrastination. In this blog, we … Read more

Unlock Your Inner Superhero: The Simple Habit That Makes Challenges Your Plaything!


     It is undoubtable truth that life is journey of storms filled with sudden happiness and downpours. But developing resilience, the attribute and a unique personality trait, to bounce back from the challenges is certainly crucial to cope with these storms. In this blog, we will discover how to cultivate resilience drawing inspirations from … Read more

Forget Everything! Moula Ali’s Powerful Words Will Transform Your Self-Image (Guaranteed!)

positive self-image

          Developing a positive self-image in one’s surrounding is very crucial to earn respect from people. To achieve the goal of being a high value man or woman, there are number of qualities and attributes taught by wise men, that can literally transform anyone’s life and develop it into an exemplary … Read more