How to Forgive Yourself and Others?

      The word forgiveness is so simple in reading but is more complex as human itself. We grasp to hurts, big or small, permitting resentment to bring us down. But what if I told you that forgiveness isn’t only about condoning action of others, but it is about releasing yourself from the burden of negativity?

In this blog, we are going to discover the power of forgiveness, drawing wisdom from the saints, philosophers and practical psychology.

The weight of resentment

  • Saint Augustine (Christian Theologian):

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Undoubtedly, resentment and anger both are poison to drink where we expect another person to die. In reality, things are paradoxical, therefore, forgiving the wrong doer is the best remedy to heal faster allowing us to move forward in life.

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  • Buddha (Founder of Buddhism):

“Holding on to anger is like holding a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha’s vision vividly demonstrates the significance of forgiveness. The quote beautifully illustrates the self-destructive nature of holding grudges and prejudices, rather forgiving and moving on. 


Letting Go and Moving On

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Philosopher):

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” A man is prisoner of his own negative ideas. Through the act of forgiveness, he actually liberates himself from the shackles of trauma. The act also creates a positive space to grow quickly and prosper without barriers.

  • The Dalai Lama (Tibetan Spiritual Leader):

“If you want to be happy, practice compassion. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.” Forgiveness fosters compassion and strengthens relationships. True love lies in the happiness of others which comes with care and compassion. Complete love is only possible with forgiveness. Avoid troubles. Learn to move on.

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Steps on the Path to Forgiveness


  • Accept the pain!

It’s okay if you were betrayed, broken or accused of something you never did in your life. You can also feel hurt and angry. You cannot expect everyone to remain loyal to you. Therefore, first and foremost, validate your emotions and move on and don’t complex the situation.

  • Understand, not approve!

Also try to look after the situation from the perspective of another person. Sometimes, misunderstandings also ruin the well going relationships. This doesn’t excuse their actions, but it can foster empathy.

  • Practice Self-Compassion:

Always remember that anger will hurt more to you than others. So, be kind to yourself. Practice gratitude and don’t allow other peoples’ words to shape your actions. You are master of your destiny!

  • Communicate (if possible):

Try to sort out the issue, if possible. Sometimes, misunderstandings also ruin beautiful relationships. Never hurry in judging anyone and give space and time to people. If you find some positivity, they forward your hand, if not then world is not limit to you.


You can never assess the true power and significance of forgiveness in your life. Forgiving yourself and others have sufficient potential to heal your inner peace. You deserve to love and to be loved. Sticking yourself with past experiences will only ruin present pleasure. Learn to forgive by practicing aforementioned ideas. Learn more and always practice gratitude. Serve needy people, these acts will be efficacious in building your personality.

Remember: Forgiveness is an unending journey; it has no destination. There will surely be bumps on the road but with each step, once you will release negative energy, it will create more space, peace and prosperity in your life. Be patient, universe has also something special for you.


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