Feeling Overwhelmed? Moula Ali’s Secret Weapon for Emotional Mastery

         Difficult and intriguing emotions are inevitable part of life. They bring sorrows, worries and sadness to anger. All these emotions are very overwhelming. But at the end of the blog, you will learn most healthy ways to deal with difficult emotional situations. You might gain mastery if you regularly practice and imbibe them in your personality. 

In this blog, you will learn through the limitless wisdom of Hazrat Moula Ali and through the insights of modern psychology. This will certainly transform your worries into opportunities to tackle difficulties professionally.

Significance of Healthy Coping

Moula Ali, a revered and a prominent figure in Islam, has deeply emphasized over the significance of managing emotions effectively. A beautiful quote attributed to him bears testimony to this fact which says, “A man’s true strength is not in the muscles of his body, but in the control of his emotions.”

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This quote highlights importance of strength to deal emotions. An individual should be powerful enough to control his mind from distractions. One who fails to conquer himself will never be able to conquer the world. An emotionally weak man is burden on society, probably, a profound danger.

 Psychology of Healthy Coping

The modern scientific psychology has also offered various mechanisms and methods to deal emotions effectively:

Cartoon students meditating

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: One should practice meditation, deep breathing, and yoga would be best in this regard. Regular exercise would also help in relaxation and achieving peace in mind. Such effective exercises would help in emotional control of body against negative traumas.
  • Journaling: You can also write down your thoughts. Never allow yourself to make your mind a dustbin. Release your thoughts and don’t allow them to junk at single place causing you mental disturbance. Writing is best form to achieve self-progress and self-relaxation.
  • Social Connection: Connection with friends, family members and therapist or counsellors has vital outcomes. Hangout with your loved ones and don’t stay at home all the time. This will allow you to express emotions and achieve emotional support.

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Moula Ali’s Words in Action

Now let’s explore Moula Ali’s wisdom in achieving emotional stability in life.

  • “Patience is a pillar of faith.” Patience is the best friend, if you unable to find the solution. Being patient will help you to think more on your issues and finding a suitable panacea. Before reacting quickly, try to give yourself sometime.
  • “Knowledge is the beginning of action.” Knowledge is the absolute form of therapy existing. Educate yourself about healthy practices that can decorate your personality and raise your morale. Read books and align company with books if you find no friends to hangout.
  • “The best speech is silence when it is not time to speak.” Once again be patient. If the contemporary situation doesn’t speak in your favor, then, you should wait for your turn. Hurry and abruption would cause damage to you, therefore stay calm and be ready to answer once times takes your side.


It is never easy to deal emotions, but things have to be made easy otherwise life will never stop kicking you drastically. The core is patience. As Moula Ali stated, “Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet.” Try to figure out and if can’t then, patience is the best remedy. Although, recognize the situation, professionally try to direct your life in it. Seek advice of experienced elders in many areas of your life.

Modern psychology has too profound ideas and concepts to rectify the emotional instability. By adopting healthy coping mechanisms in your life, you can navigate terrible emotions with great resilience. Be brave and never lose hope, things never remain same. Embrace aforementioned strategies to achieve self-compassion and art to control emotions.

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